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Byung Kun Kim 6 Articles
Treatment of Vestibular Migraine
Byung Kun Kim
Res Vestib Sci. 2012;11(4):111-115.
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Although vestibular migraine is considered to be the most common cause of non-positional recurrent vertigo, well designed clinical trials for the treatment of vestibular migraine are not yet available. Management includes dietary and lifestyle modifications and medications. Since treatment for vestibular migraine generally follows the recommended treatment of migraine, most drugs are also used for the prevention of migraine. In this review, preventive treatment with beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants, acetazolamide and triptans are described. Nonpharmacological management such as diet, sleep and avoidance of triggers are also recommended for vestibular migraine.
Acute Stroke in Patients With Isolated Vertigo
Jungmoo Nam, Curie Chung, Jung Ju Lee, Jong Moo Park, Ja Seong Koo, Ohyun Kwon, Byung Kun Kim
Res Vestib Sci. 2010;9(1):12-15.
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Background and Objectives Patients with isolated vertigo could have central or peripheral vestibular disorders. Although some differential points exist between the two conditions, sometimes it is not easy to differentiate central vertigo from that of peripheral vestibular origin, especially in patients with isolated vertigo. We performed this study to determine the frequency of acute infarction and predictors of vertigo associated with stroke in isolated spontaneous vertigo. Materials and Methods We prospectively evaluated 185 consecutive patients who were admitted to neurology department with acute isolated vertigo, after excluding the patients with benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) was obtained in 161 (87.0%) patients. Demographics, stroke risk factors, associated symptoms and signs were reviewed. Also, the locations and vascular territories of the lesions on DWI were investigated. Results Twenty three (14.3%) patients had acute infarction on DWI. Old age and male sex were the predictors of stroke using multivariate analysis (p=0.03 and 0.02). The lesions were located in the cerebellum in 17 patients, medulla in four, and pons in another four. Cerebellar lesions were in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery in all patients. ConclusionIsolated spontaneous vertigo may develop in posterior circulation stroke, especially in men of old age. The possibility of central origin should be considered in patients with isolated vertigo and DWI might be a good diagnostic tool.
Clinical Features and Treatment Pattern of Migrainous Vertigo in Korea: A Nationwide Prospective Multicenter Study
Seong Ki Ahn, Kyusik Kang, Ja Won Koo, Kyu Sung Kim, Beom Gyu Kim, Byung Kun Kim, Ji Soo Kim, Kyoung Ho Park, Shi Nae Park, Eun Ho Park, Hong Ju Park, Jae Yong Byun, Myung Whan Suh, Ki Bum Sung, Sun Young Oh, Chung Ku Rhee, Tae Kyeong Lee, Seong Hae Jeong, Won Ho Chung, Chang Il Cha, Sung Won Chae, Eui Kyung Goh
Res Vestib Sci. 2009;8(2):122-131.
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Background and Objectives It is being increasing recognized that the morbidities of migraine and balance disorders are interrelated. In fact, migrainous vertigo (MV) is one of frequent causes of recurrent vertigo in patients presenting to specialized dizziness clinics. Nevertheless, not many studies have reported clinical manifestations and treatment. Therefore, the aim of study was designed to assess clinical features and treatment patterns by a nationwide multicenter study. Materials and Methods Patients between 9 and 74 years of age who visited 17 Korean tertiary referral centers and 1 clinic from February to March 2009 were investigated using two forms of questionnaires. Results Overall, 318 patients with MV were enrolled. MV was responsible for ~8.45% of visits to the specialized dizziness clinics. One hundred seventy-five of these patients had definite MV and were included in assessing the clinical features. Vertigo characteristics of patients with definite MV were various. Vertigo was regularly as-sociated with headache in 87% of the patients. The duration of vertigo ranged from seconds to days. For the treatment patterns, an acute and prophylactic therapies were carried in most clinics. There were no differences in either acute or prophylactic therapies between department of neurology and otorhinolaryngology. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that MV the clinical features of MV also varies in Korea. In addition, most clinics provide similar patterns of practice in treatment for MV. The syndrome of MV deserves further research activity as it is relatively common and clinically relevant.
The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy for the Horizontal Canal Cupulolithiasis
Byung Kun Kim, Hee Jun Bae, Ja Seong Koo, Oh Hyun Kwon, Jong Moo Park
J Korean Bal Soc. 2005;4(2):219-224.
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and Objectives: Recently many reports suggest the horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (h-BPPV) is not rare. However there have been few reports on physical therapy for horizontal canal cupulolithiasis, while horizontal canal canalithiasis has a relatively well defined and effective therapy. To evaluate the efficacy of different methods of treating horizontal canal cupulolithiasis, we conducted prospective study. Materials and Method: We enrolled 104 consecutive patients who were diagnosed with h-BPPV. During that period, patients with posterior canal BPPV numbered 112. Patients with h-BPPV were diagnosed when lateral head rotation in the supine position resulted in geotropic or apogeotropic bilateral horizontal nystagmus. In patients presenting with apogeotropic variant (n=40), following maneuvers was performed sequentially. First of all, we performed head shaking and applied vibrator to the mastoid bone to detach otolith from cupula. If they failed to detach otolith from cupula, we performed barbecue rotation and forced prolonged position (FPP). The treatment outcome was considered as responsive when, immediately after each physical therapy, nystagmus shifted from apogeotropic to geotropic or no nystagmus was elicited by provocation test and symptoms of positional vertigo abated.
There were 27 women and 13 men from ages 30 to 80 (mean 55) years. The average duration of symptoms before intervention was 0 to 12 (mean 0.6) days. In 4 cases, symptoms resolved spontaneously after provocation test. Of the 36 patients treated with headshaking, 6 were responsive. Of the 30 patients treated with vibrator after failure of head shaking, only 1 were responsive. In the barbecue rotation, none obtained relief after barbecue rotation. Of the 9 patients treated with FPP after failure of the barbecue rotation, 4 were symptom free after FPP. Twenty five patients, including 5 non-responders with FPP, underwent no more rehabilitation maneuver. In most of cases (n=24), horizontal canal cupulolithiasis resolved spontaneously within a week.
The direct effectiveness of physical therapy for horizontal canal cupulolithiasis is largely unsatisfactory. However, in many cases, horizontal canal cupulolithiasis resolved spontaneously in a few days.
Reliability of history taking in the diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Byung Kun Kim, Hee Joon Bae, Ja Seong Koo, Oh Hyun Kwon
J Korean Bal Soc. 2003;2(2):187-190.
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and Objectives: Patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) usually have typical history. They usually complain of vertigo that lasting a few seconds to a minute. It usually occurs in the morning after awaking and provoked by typical positional change such as head turning, sitting, and lying down. However, some patients may describe their vertigo in a rather atypical way, so there is no absolute reliability of a diagnosis based on history taking. To evaluate the reliability of a diagnosis based on history taking, we performed prospective studies. Materials and Methods: We obtained structured history from all the patients with BPPV. Total of 408 patients were diagnosed as having BPPV. The diagnosis was based on typical findings of vertigo and nystagmus by Dix-Hallpike maneuver and head turning in supine position.
Duration of vertigo was more than 10 minutes in 22% of patients. Position-precipitating factors were not spontaneously reported by 37%. 16% of patients complained non-spinning vertigo. 38% of patients could not tell the side to which the spell occurs. In 83 cases (20%), it was impossible to diagnose BPPV based upon a typical history.
We conclude that non-paroxysmal, non-positional vertigo dose not rule out BPPV. The provocation test is mandatory in those complaining of dizziness regardless of history since BPPV can be quickly diagnosed by provocation test and easily treated.
Vertebrobasilar Pathology of Acute Isolated Vertigo: A Case-Control Study
Hee Joon Bae, Byung Kun Kim
J Korean Bal Soc. 2002;1(2):245-252.
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: Till now, several studies advocated the vascular etiology as a cause of acute isolated vertigo without relevant lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, most of them were case series and ,even in a few case-control studies, inclusion criteria were obscure and vascular risk factors were not considered. Objectives: To investigate the clinical significance of vertebrobasilar artery (VBA) pathology in acute isolated vertigo without relevant lesions on MRI. Methods : 84 patients (26 male, 59 female; 62.5±10.2 years) with acute isolated vertigo who had no lesions on MRI were gathered. Seventy nine controls (30 male, 49 female; 58.4±10.1 years) consisted of subjects with clinically definite BPPV, epilepsy, tension headache, or lacunar infarction. All the subjects underwent MRI and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). The vascular pathology of VBA and anterior circulation were examined and graded by the findings of MRA. Focal stenosis more than 50%, non- or faint-visualization, or dolichoectasia of VBA were regarded as significant. Risk factors of atherosclerosis were investigated and the severity of small vessel disease on MRI were ranked. Results : Significant vascular pathology of VBA was found more frequently in patients with acute isolated vertigo (32.1%) than in controls (16.5%) (p<0.05). Among the risk factors of atherosclerosis, hypertension was more common in patients (44.0%) than in controls (29.1%) (p<0.05) and the others were not different between two groups. Significant vascular pathology of anterior circulation and SVD were not different, too (P>0.05). Multivariate analysis including all the possible variables investigated confirmed the significant correlation between VBA pathology and acute isolated vertigo in our subjects (p<0.05). Conclusion : This study demonstrates that there is a signficant correlation between VBA pathology and acute isolated vertigo without lesions on MRI. It can support the importance of VBA pathology as a a cause of acute isolated vertigo.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science