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Du Shin Jeong 2 Articles
Relationship Between Clinical Features and Recurrence in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo of Posterior Semicircular Canal
Ji Yun Park, Tae Kyeong Lee, Du Shin Jeong, Ki Bum Sung
Res Vestib Sci. 2011;10(2):63-67.
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Background and Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the recurrence and clinical features of posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (p-BPPV). Materials and Methods: Eighty one consecutive patients with p-BPPV in 1 year period were selected and traced for 2 years by telephone interview and chart review. We reviewed the clinical chart to confirm the lesional side of semicircular canals when 13 patients of the recurrent groups had readmitted. We compared clinical characters between the recurrent group and the nonrecurrent group. Results: The recurrence rate after the successful treatment in the p-BPPV is 28% (23/81) patients. There was no difference in the age, sex, and days prior to visit between the recurrent group and the nonrecurrent group (72%, 58/81). The interval to recurrences were ranged from 8 days to 24 months. In the patients we could confirm the side of recurrences (13/23), there was a tendency of recurring on the same side in the early recurrences (within 14 days) (4/13). Conclusion: In considering the causes, the fact that early recurrences tend to be on the same side may be related to unilateral otolith dysfunction as the cause of recurrences in p-BPPV. But the late recurrence may be related to systemic condition because recurrent BPPV developed equally on both sides.
3-D Model of The Oculomotor Fascicular Arrangement Within The Midbrain Using Brain MRI
Jeong Ho Park, Du Shin Jeong, Sun Ah Park, Tae Kyeong Lee, Ki Bum Sung
J Korean Bal Soc. 2008;7(1):22-32.
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Background and Purpose: The oculomotor nerve fascicles arise along its entire length and sweep ventrally to exit the midbrain at the medial edge of the crus cerebri. A rostro-caudal topography among the fascicular fibers is relatively well established. There are, however, some controversies whether medio-lateral topography also exists. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records and MRI of the 8 patients showing isolated oculomotor nerve palsy due to midbrain infarction. Brain MRI was performed using a 1.5-T magnet with 2mm thickness and 0.1 mm slice interval. The anterior-posterior axis(X) was defined as the midline crossing the center of the cerebral aqueduct and the medio-lateral axis(Y) as the line crossing the same point. For rostro-caudal measurement, the intercommissural line was used as base line of the Z axis. The location of the lesions was defined by measuring actual distance of the margins of the lesions in millimeter from each axis; anterior, right, and caudal direction was defined as positive values in X, Y and Z coordinates, respectively. Results: The mean values and range of the X, Y and Z are as follows: X=7.56±4.34, 1≤X≤15; Y=3.43±1.37, 0≤Y≤6; Z=6.51±3.91, 0≤Z≤12.5. Conclusions: The distribution of all the MRI lesions was 0≤|Y|≤6 (mm), 0≤|Z|≤12.5 (mm) in mediolateral and rostrocaudal direction respectively, which is almost the same as the previously reported divergent range of the oculomotor fascicles in midbrain tegmentum. We suggest that our method of three dimensional measurements of the MRI lesion in midbrain tegmentum could be a useful tool for the study of oculomotor fascicular arrangement.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science