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Eui Kyung Goh 5 Articles
Balance Problem after Cochlear Implantation
Eui Kyung Goh
Res Vestib Sci. 2014;13(3):63-67.
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Cochlear implantations are very popularly performed for hearing rehabilitation of profound hearing loss recently. Postoperative dizziness is one of common complications of cochlear implantation, and one-third of recipients complaint of experience a dizziness after cochlear implantation. The patients should be informed about postimplantation vertigo symptoms. Aims of this article are to provide the basis for preoperative counseling, decrease of postoperative dizziness and postoperative vestibular therapy to cochlear implant recipients with literature review.
Multicenter Study on the Clinician’s Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo in Korea
Eun Ju Jeon, Won Ho Chung, Jeong Hwan Choi, Eui Cheol Nam, Hong Ju Park, Jong Dae Lee, Won Sang Lee, Kyu Sung Kim, Eui Kyung Goh, Ja Won Koo, Min Bum Kim, Min Beom Kim, Se Hyung Kim, Young Jin Kim, Chang Hee Kim, Sung Il Nam, Seog Kyun Mun, Ga Young Park, Sang Yoo Park, Shi Nae Park, Chang Hoon Bae, Sung Hyun Boo, Myung Whan Suh, Jae Hyun Seo, Eun Jin Son, Jae Jun Song, Jae Jin Song, Joong Wook Shin, Dae Bo Shim, Seong Ki Ahn, Hye Youn Youm, Shin Young Yoo, Dong Hee Lee, Seung Hwan Lee, Chang Ho Lee, Hyun Seok Lee, Hwan Ho Lee, Hyo Jeong Lee, Yun Hoon Choung, Seung Hyo Choi, Jee Sun Choi, Seok Min Hong, Sung Kwang Hong
Res Vestib Sci. 2013;12(3):79-92.
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Background and Objectives: It is necessary to establish the most efficient diagnostic and therapeutic method for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which is appropriate for Korean healthcare system. We aimed to evaluate current state of Korean clinician’s diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for BPPV. Materials and Methods: A 16-item survey was emailed to the members of dizziness department of Otology Research Interest Group in the Korean Otologic Society (n=68). 43 were returned and analyzed. Results: All respondents (100%) used Dix-Hallpike test as a diagnostic tool for vertical canal-BPPV. Supine roll test was used for diagnosing lateral canal BPPV in nearly all the respondents (97.7%). Epley maneuver was chosen as otolith repositioning maneuver (ORM) for posterior canal BPPV in all respondents and barbecue rotation (BBQ) was used for treating lateral canal BPPV with geotropic nystagmus in 95.3% of respondents. Extreme variation was noted for therapeutic approach of lateral canal BPPV with ageotropic nystagmus BBQ, with 4 kinds of ORM and adjunctive measures to liberate otolith from cupula, while BBQ was again the most commonly used ORM (76.7%). Conclusion: The development of practical and efficient ORM for lateral canal BPPV with ageotropic nystagmus is necessary.
Clinical Features and Treatment Pattern of Migrainous Vertigo in Korea: A Nationwide Prospective Multicenter Study
Seong Ki Ahn, Kyusik Kang, Ja Won Koo, Kyu Sung Kim, Beom Gyu Kim, Byung Kun Kim, Ji Soo Kim, Kyoung Ho Park, Shi Nae Park, Eun Ho Park, Hong Ju Park, Jae Yong Byun, Myung Whan Suh, Ki Bum Sung, Sun Young Oh, Chung Ku Rhee, Tae Kyeong Lee, Seong Hae Jeong, Won Ho Chung, Chang Il Cha, Sung Won Chae, Eui Kyung Goh
Res Vestib Sci. 2009;8(2):122-131.
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Background and Objectives It is being increasing recognized that the morbidities of migraine and balance disorders are interrelated. In fact, migrainous vertigo (MV) is one of frequent causes of recurrent vertigo in patients presenting to specialized dizziness clinics. Nevertheless, not many studies have reported clinical manifestations and treatment. Therefore, the aim of study was designed to assess clinical features and treatment patterns by a nationwide multicenter study. Materials and Methods Patients between 9 and 74 years of age who visited 17 Korean tertiary referral centers and 1 clinic from February to March 2009 were investigated using two forms of questionnaires. Results Overall, 318 patients with MV were enrolled. MV was responsible for ~8.45% of visits to the specialized dizziness clinics. One hundred seventy-five of these patients had definite MV and were included in assessing the clinical features. Vertigo characteristics of patients with definite MV were various. Vertigo was regularly as-sociated with headache in 87% of the patients. The duration of vertigo ranged from seconds to days. For the treatment patterns, an acute and prophylactic therapies were carried in most clinics. There were no differences in either acute or prophylactic therapies between department of neurology and otorhinolaryngology. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that MV the clinical features of MV also varies in Korea. In addition, most clinics provide similar patterns of practice in treatment for MV. The syndrome of MV deserves further research activity as it is relatively common and clinically relevant.
The Effects of Test Positions and Acoustic Stimulations on the Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials
Jin Dong Kim, Eui Kyung Goh, Young Ok Lee, Soo Keun Kong, Kyu Sup Cho, Kyong Myong Chon
J Korean Bal Soc. 2007;6(1):21-28.
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Background and Objectives: Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) have become a good diagnostic tool to evaluate the integrity of the vestibulocollic reflex. To investigate the standard recording of VEMP response in normal hearing subjects, the authors studied the effects of test positions and different acoustic stimulations on the VEMP. Subjects and Method: We performed VEMP on both ears of thirty normal hearing volunteers. Three acoustic stimulations (clicks and 500 Hz and 1,000 Hz short tone bursts) and four test positions were presented alternately to evoke VEMP. The latencies of peak p13 and n23, p13n23 interpeak latency (IPL) and amplitude were measured by EMG equipment and compared by statistical program. We also made up questions for the compliance of the test positions. Results: The effects of test positions p13 latency had no significant difference on all test positions except between test position 2 and 4, n23 latency and p13n23 IPL had shortest waveform on test position 2, p13n23 amplitude had the largest waveform in test position 4. Acoustic stimulations on all test positions were influenced that clicks had shorter waveform about 2-3 ms than STBs on p13 latency and n23 latency, STBs had larger waveform than clicks on p13n23 amplitude. And the compliance of the test positions exhibited highest comfort in test position 1. Conclusion: Test position 1 had higher VEMP response rates and compliance, 500 Hz STB had a largest p13n23 amplitude. Therefore we recommend that the ideal conditions were position 1 and 500 Hz STB for acoustic stimulations to evoke VEMP.
Change of Otoacoustic Emissions in Early Stage of Meniere's Disease
Jeong Hyug Ahn, Eui Kyung Goh, Se Joon Oh, Soo Keun Kong, Il Woo Lee, Kyong Myong Chon
J Korean Bal Soc. 2006;5(1):15-20.
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and Objectives: To determine the clinical application of otoacoustic emissions (OAE) in screening of cochlear function, author studied changes of OAE in Meniere's disease patients. Materials and Methods: The author has measured several parameters of OAE with 34 meniere's patients and 15 normal persons. Pass rate, response amplitude, reproducibility were recorded at TEOAE. Amplitude of DP-gram were measured at 2 F2 frequencies - 1000, 2000 Hz. The input/output functions of DPOAE were recorded at 2 F2 frequencies - 1001, 2002 Hz (respectively DP-1000, DP-2000). Input/output function were determined based on 2 parameters -maximal level and Detection threshold of DPOAE.
1) TEOAE: Significant lower rate of positive finding was recorded at involved ears (55.8%, 19/34) than normal ears (100%, 30/30). 2) DP-gram: At frequency was 2000 Hz, amplitude of involved ears (n=28, 6.3±8.5dB/SPL) was significant smaller than normal ears (n=30, 6.3±8.5 dB/SPL). 3) DP-input/output function: At maximum DP level of DP-2000, response of involved ears (n=11, 51.6±7.9 dB/SPL) was significant larger than normal ears (n=22, 48.5±7.0 dB/SPL).
Parameters of OAE, such as pass rate of TEOAE, amplitude of DP-gram at 2000 Hz, and maximum DP level of DP-2000 was considered to good indicators for monitoring cochlear function of Meniere's disease. Furthermore, evaluation by changes in the TEOAE & DPOAE combined parameters, appeared to be very useful for detection of subtle change in cochlear function of Meniere's disease. Key Words : Otoacoustic emissions, Meniere's disease

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science