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Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science


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Eun Guk Bang 1 Article
The clinical characteristics of dizzy patients with normal vestibular function tests
Won Ho Chung, Eun Guk Bang, Sung Hwa Hong, Chi Kyou Lee, Hyun Seok Lee
J Korean Bal Soc. 2002;1(2):259-265.
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and Objectives : Dizziness is a very common complaint in every day practice. The prevalence of dizziness ranges from 1.8 % in young adults to 30% in the elderly. The sensitivity of vestibular function tests is limited. It was reported that the sensitivity of electronystagmography for diagnosing peripheral vestibular disorders was variable, ranging from 46 to 74%. The objective of this study is to analyse the causes and clinical characteristics of dizzy patients who show normal vestibular function tests. Materials and methods : From January 1999 to June 2001, 375 dizzy patients with normal vestibular function tests(mean age, 49.7 years; range, 8 to 79 years) were assessed with the medical records and typed questionnaires about dizziness.
: Dizzy patients with normal vestibular function tests were attributed to an unknown cause in 20.0% of patients, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in 19.5%, migrainous dizziness in 11.7%, psychogenic dizziness in 10.4%, Meniere's disease in 9.6% and vertebrobasilar insufficiency in 7.2%.
: Dizzy patients with normal vestibular function tests can be evaluated by careful history taking and combined multidisciplinary approach with neurologist, psychiatrist and cardiologist and strict diagnostic criteria are necessary.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science