Clinical Manifestations and Neuro-otological Findings of Migrainous Vertigo
Hyun Jung Jung, Seung Han Lee
Res Vestib Sci. 2012;11(1):1-7.
- Background and Objectives: Migrainous vertigo (MV) is one of the recurrent vestibular syndromes and may present episodic vestibular and concurrent migraine symptoms. The clinical manifestations and neuro-otological findings of MV have been delineated over the last couple of decades, however, there are still lots of uncertainties. Materials and Methods: We performed a comprehensive literature search regarding the clinical manifestations and neuro-otological findings of MV compatible with the diagnostic criteria proposed by Neuhuaser. We found the published articles that addressed the clinical and neuro-otological findings and we performed a pooled analysis. Results: Even though the duration of MV attack was variable from seconds to days, the most common durations investigated in this study was minutes (range, 5-60 minutes). During MV attack, most patients had a migraine headache, but instead the other migraine symptoms (i.e., photophobia, phonophobia) could be found. There were positional nystagmus which may not meet a stimulated canal plane and spontaneous nystagmus and, less commonly, gaze-evoked nystagmus. Regarding bithermal caloric test, unilateral canal paresis could be found in 15-20% of MV patients as well as hyperexcitability in some patients. Oculomotor tests might show impaired pursuits (mainly saccadic pursuit) and saccadic abnormalities such as delayed latency and hypometric saccade. Conclusion: From the result of the pooled analysis, we have found several clinical and neuro-otological findings. However, vital neuro-otological findings which can provide a clue for the diagnosis of MV are still lacking. So the diagnosis of MV should depend on the clinical manifestations and a process of differential diagnosis.
Eight-And-a-Half Syndrome in Pontine Infarction
Hyun Jung Jung, Seung Han Lee, Myeong Kyu Kim, Ki Hyun Cho
J Korean Bal Soc. 2008;7(1):77-80.
- Eight-and-a-half syndrome is a clinical syndrome with the combination of a one-and-a-half syndrome and an ipsilateral seventh cranial nerve palsy usually due to a paramedian pontine tegmental lesion. A 57-year-old man presented with dizziness, diplopia, and a left facial palsy. Ocular motor manifestations showed combined left conjugate horizontal gaze palsy and left internuclear ophthalmoplegia (one-and-a-half syndrome). In addition, he had a left lower motor neuron pattern of facial palsy. Brain MR images showed an acute infarction in the left paramedian pontine tegmentum.
Lithium-Induced Downbeat Nystagmus with Reversible Splenial Lesion
Dong Uk Kim, Seung Han Lee, Hyun Jung Jung, Kyung Wook Kang
J Korean Bal Soc. 2007;6(2):150-154.
- Lithium is recognized as a cause of reversible or permanent downbeat nystagmus. Many patients who were treated with lithium for psychiatric illness developed downbeat nystagmus and other neurological manifestations. Reversible splenial lesions of corpus callosum are commonly seen on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in various neurological disorders including metabolic/toxic encephalopathy, encephalitis, patients with epilepsy receiving antiepileptic drugs.
Herein, we report a patient with reversible downbeat nystagmus, disturbance of smooth pursuit, and gait ataxia who was treated with lithium. Also, we can observe reversible splenial lesion of corpus callosum on DWI in this patient.