Assessment of Saccular Function in Patients With Noise Induced Hearing Loss
In Kuk Hwang, Ji Hyun Moon, Young Hyo Kim, Kyu Sung Kim, Yun Gun Jung, Hoseok Choi
J Korean Bal Soc. 2008;7(1):17-21.
- Background and Objectives: Considering saccular receptors are coupled physically with the auditory receptors, VEMP test may provide the information that in the noise induced hearing loss with or without dizziness, damage to the vestibular system, especially saccule is a potential organ with cochlear damage.
Material and Methods: 11 patients (22 ears) with HF-SNHL greater than 55dB and 10 patients (10 ears) with sudden hearing loss of varying degree HL as positive control but without clinical manifestations of vestibular pathology tested for vestibular function test was enrolled. VEMP test was done. The results were compared with those of 9-healthy referents (18 ears) examined in the same way.
Results: VEMP wave was significantly abolished as twelve of 22 (54.5%) with HF-SNHL, five of 13 (38.5%) and Control group (100%). Though there was no statistically significant relation with P13, N23 latency delay in each group, NIHL showed P13, N23 latency delay trend compared with controls.
Conclusions: Patients with noise induced hearing loss showed significantly more saccular deterioration, estimated as negative VEMP responses than did the controls. This suggests subclinical disturbances of the vestibular system especially of the saccule in noise induced hearing loss.