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Jin Woo Maeng 1 Article
Recording of Ictal Nystagmus in a Case of Syncope Presenting Vertigo
Jin Woo Maeng, Sung Kwang Hong, Hyung Jong Kim, Hyo Jeong Lee
Res Vestib Sci. 2011;10(3):103-106.
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Prevalence of dizziness has been reported to be as high as nearly twenty percent and one half of these population had social handicap to some degree. The diagnostic approach of dizziness heavily relies on the premise that dizziness type predicts the underlying etiology-e.g, vertigo with vestibular causes and presyncope with cardiovascular causes. However, such symptomatological approach sometimes delays correct diagnosis as the presenting symptom of individual patient is typically vague to designate the type. In this paper, a case of a 57-year-old woman who has experienced recurrent rotatory vertigo of cardiovascular origin was discussed. When her head were turned to the left, a fast downbeat nystagmus following a slow upward eye deviation was recorded using video nystagmogram. Hence, we report this single case of syncope presented as peripheral vertigo type with literature review.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science