Lithium-Induced Downbeat Nystagmus with Reversible Splenial Lesion
Dong Uk Kim, Seung Han Lee, Hyun Jung Jung, Kyung Wook Kang
J Korean Bal Soc. 2007;6(2):150-154.
- Lithium is recognized as a cause of reversible or permanent downbeat nystagmus. Many patients who were treated with lithium for psychiatric illness developed downbeat nystagmus and other neurological manifestations. Reversible splenial lesions of corpus callosum are commonly seen on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in various neurological disorders including metabolic/toxic encephalopathy, encephalitis, patients with epilepsy receiving antiepileptic drugs.
Herein, we report a patient with reversible downbeat nystagmus, disturbance of smooth pursuit, and gait ataxia who was treated with lithium. Also, we can observe reversible splenial lesion of corpus callosum on DWI in this patient.