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HOME > Res Vestib Sci > Volume 8(1); 2009 > Article
Original Article Autoantibodies and Complements in Acute Peripheral Vestibulopathy
Mi Joo Kim, Joo Hyun Jung, Chang Hyun Cho, Jung Ho Lee

Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Gachon University of Medicine & Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Incheon, Korea.
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Background and Objectives The etiology and pathophysiology of acute peripheral vestibulopathy are largely unknown. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the manifestation of the autoantibodies and complements in patients with acute peripheral vestibulopathy. Materials and Methods We checked anti-ds-DNA, rheumatoid factor, anti phospholipid IgG and IgM, anti nuclear antibody (ANA), C3, C4 in 72 patients who were diagnosed as acute peripheral vestibulopathy on physical examination and the caloric test. The results of the patients with unilateral acute peripheral vestibulopathy were compared to those of the patients with bilateral acute peripheral vestibulopathy. Results Twelve patients (16.6%) in anti-ds-DNA, 4 patients (5.5%) in C3, 10 patients (13.8%) in C4, 2 patients (2.7%) in anti-phospholipid IgG and 13 patients (18%) in antinuclear antibody (ANA) showed abnormal findings among patients with acute peripheral vestibulpahty. There was no difference in the manifestation of the autoantibodies and complements between the patients with unilateral and bilateral acute peripheral vestibulopathy. Conclusion The autoimmune diseases may be one of etiologic factors in acute peripheral vestibulopathy. Key Words: Autoantibodies; Vestibular Neuronitis; Complement System Proteins

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science