pathic BPPV. Results: The site of canal affected by idiopathic BPPV (M=119, F=183) showed that 138 (Lt=62, Rt=76) had a lateral canal, 157 (Lt=63, Rt=94) had a posterior canal, 7 had a multicanal. The involved canal by secondary BPPV (M=45, F=37) showed that 34 had a lateral canal, 43 in posterior canal, 1 in anterior canal and 4 in multicanal. 28 patients with idiopathic sudden sensory hearing loss developed BPPV within a few days (posterior=17, lateral=7, multicanal=4). 12 patients had a unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy and ipsilateral BPPV (posterior=11, lateral=1, anterior canal=1). 14 patients with meniere’s disease developed ipsilateral BPPV (Lateral=9, posterior=5). 28 patients with BPPV had a history of headtrauma which is considered to be cause of BPPV. The mean duration of treatment is 2.68 on idiopathic BPPV, 6.27 on BPPV with ISSHL, 6.75 on BPPV with unilateral vestibulopathy, 2.28 on BPPV with meniere’s disease and 2.4 on posttraumatic BPPV. There was no significant difference of recurrence among groups. Conclusion: Secondary BPPV showed different prevalence of involved canal from idiopathic BPPV. The duration of treatment for BPPV with ISSHL or unilateral vestibulopathy take longer time than for other groups.