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HOME > J Korean Bal Soc > Volume 5(1); 2006 > Article
Original Article Change of Otoacoustic Emissions in Early Stage of Meniere's Disease
Jeong Hyug Ahn, Eui Kyung Goh, Se Joon Oh, Soo Keun Kong, Il Woo Lee, Kyong Myong Chon

Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
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and Objectives: To determine the clinical application of otoacoustic emissions (OAE) in screening of cochlear function, author studied changes of OAE in Meniere's disease patients. Materials and Methods: The author has measured several parameters of OAE with 34 meniere's patients and 15 normal persons. Pass rate, response amplitude, reproducibility were recorded at TEOAE. Amplitude of DP-gram were measured at 2 F2 frequencies - 1000, 2000 Hz. The input/output functions of DPOAE were recorded at 2 F2 frequencies - 1001, 2002 Hz (respectively DP-1000, DP-2000). Input/output function were determined based on 2 parameters -maximal level and Detection threshold of DPOAE.
1) TEOAE: Significant lower rate of positive finding was recorded at involved ears (55.8%, 19/34) than normal ears (100%, 30/30). 2) DP-gram: At frequency was 2000 Hz, amplitude of involved ears (n=28, 6.3±8.5dB/SPL) was significant smaller than normal ears (n=30, 6.3±8.5 dB/SPL). 3) DP-input/output function: At maximum DP level of DP-2000, response of involved ears (n=11, 51.6±7.9 dB/SPL) was significant larger than normal ears (n=22, 48.5±7.0 dB/SPL).
Parameters of OAE, such as pass rate of TEOAE, amplitude of DP-gram at 2000 Hz, and maximum DP level of DP-2000 was considered to good indicators for monitoring cochlear function of Meniere's disease. Furthermore, evaluation by changes in the TEOAE & DPOAE combined parameters, appeared to be very useful for detection of subtle change in cochlear function of Meniere's disease. Key Words : Otoacoustic emissions, Meniere's disease

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science