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Original Article
Efficacy of the Fixation Index of Bithermal Caloric Test for Differentiating Brain Lesions in Vestibular Disoder
Young Jae Lee, Wonyong Baek, Sung-Il Cho, Gi-Sung Nam
Res Vestib Sci. 2023;22(4):106-111.   Published online December 15, 2023
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This study was performed to investigate the efficacy of the fixation index (FI) of the bithermal caloric test for differentiating brain lesions in vestibular disorder.
We reviewed the medical records of 286 consecutive dizzy patients who underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the bithermal caloric test at department of otorhinolarnygology. Central vestibulopathy (CVP) was defined as when corresponding lesion was identified on brain MRI, otherwise peripheral vestibulopathy (PVP) was defined. The FI was defined as the mean slow phase velocity (SPV) with fixation divided by the mean SPV without fixation, and failure was indicated when the FI exceeded 70%.
The CVP confirmed by brain MRI and PVP were 16.8% and 83.2%, respectively. The most common CVPs were cerebellopontine angle tumor (n=19, 39.6%) and chronic cerebellar infarction (n=18, 37.5%). There were 23 cases of CVP (47.9%) and 47 cases of PVP (19.7%) with abnormal number of FI in at least two of the four caloric irrigations. The FI score of right cool (RC), left cool (LC), and right warm (RW) were also increased significantly in patients with CVP (p=0.031 at RCFI, p=0.014 at LCFI, p=0.047 at RWFI, and p=0.057 at LWFI; Mann-Whitney U-test).
If two or more abnormal FIs are detected during bithermal caloric testing, there is a high likelihood of CVP. Consequently, additional brain MRI may be necessary for further evaluation.
Case Reports
Endolymphatic Hydrops in Vestibular Migraine Associated with Menière’s Disease: A Report of Two Cases
Bit Na Lee, Seung-Bae Hwang, Jin-ju Kang, Sun-Young Oh
Res Vestib Sci. 2021;20(4):156-160.   Published online December 15, 2021
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Vestibular migraine and Menière’s disease have similar clinical features which are recurrent dizziness or auditory symptoms, so it is challengeable to establish the correct diagnosis. Herein, a 31-year-old male and a 56-year-old female showed recurrent dizziness with auditory symptoms and suffered from vestibular migraine. They met the diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine, but the Menière’s diagnostic criteria were not satisfied as there was no hearing loss. Delayed intravenous gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear was taken to find out of correlation of the inner ear and revealed endolymphatic hydrops. This case can improve the understanding of the pathophysiology of a vestibular migraine associated Menière’s disease.


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  • Functional and Molecular Markers for Hearing Loss and Vertigo Attacks in Meniere’s Disease
    Chao-Hui Yang, Ming-Yu Yang, Chung-Feng Hwang, Kuang-Hsu Lien
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2023; 24(3): 2504.     CrossRef
Acute Vestibular Syndrome Preceded by Otologic Symptoms in Sarcoidosis
Hyeon-Joong Park, Jae-Myung Kim, Han-Sol Choi, Taebum Lee, Seung-Han Lee
Res Vestib Sci. 2021;20(2):69-73.   Published online June 14, 2021
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Sarcoidosis is a rare, multisystem granulomatous disease. Neurological complications occur in about 5% of patients and vestibulocochlear involvement is even rarer. A 27-year-old woman presented with acute spontaneous vertigo for 5 days. She was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis 4 months ago, but specific treatments have not yet started. She had preceding otologic symptoms including bilateral tinnitus and ear fullness in the right for 3 months without hearing loss. Initial bedside examinations revealed spontaneous right-beating nystagmus and abnormal catch-up saccades in the left during head impulse tests (HIT). After 2 weeks, video-oculography documented the direction of spontaneous nystagmus was changed into left-beating. Caloric test showed canal paresis in the left, and video HIT showed subtle covert saccades. After starting oral prednisolone, her symptoms improved rapidly. In our case, acute vestibular syndrome and otologic symptoms might be associated with sarcoidosis when considering clinical course and treatment response. Sarcoidosis may be considered as a cause in cases with audiovestibulopathy of unknown etiology.
Rare Neuro-Ophthalmological Manifestations of Focal Midbrain Infarction
Joong-Goo Kim, Ji-Hoon Kang, Jay Chol Choi, Hong Jun Kim, Chul-Hoo Kang
Res Vestib Sci. 2021;20(2):58-63.   Published online June 14, 2021
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Because numerous important nuclei and white matter tracts are concentrated in the narrow midbrain, the tiny lesion can result in various symptoms. The anatomy of the neural network and related structures in the midbrain is complex. The most frequent clinical manifestation of lesions involving the midbrain is an eye movement disorder associated with a nuclear or fascicular origin. We have described patients with acute midbrain stroke, characterized by rare neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations, which neurologists should consider during diagnostic investigations. Case 1 showed internuclear ophthalmoplegia with Horner syndrome. In case 2 showed isolated oculomotor palsy. The third patient presented Parinaud syndrome with an unusual lesion location. Notably, patients with midbrain infarction may present with specific signs and symptoms that are compatible with mesencephalic localization. The isolated or combined neuro-ophthalmologic signs and symptoms should be interpreted in the complex anatomical context described here and investigated by immediate brainstem neuroimaging analyses and careful neurologic examinations.


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  • A Improved Case of Post Cerebral Infarction Dizziness and Gait Discomfort after Treated with Korean Medicine Treatment and Vestibular Rehabilitation Practice
    Hongmin Chu, Hyeon-Seo Lim, Kwangho Kim, Young-Ung Lee, Kyungtae Park, Jongwon Jang, Ho-sun Ryu, Su-hak Kim, Cheol-hyun Kim, Sangkwan Lee, Kang-keyng Sung
    Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation.2020; 30(4): 179.     CrossRef
Acute Peripheral Vestibular Syndrome in Relapsing Polychondritis
Haemin Noh, Dong-Han Lee, Jung Eun Shin, Chang-Hee Kim
Res Vestib Sci. 2020;19(3):104-109.   Published online September 15, 2020
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Relapsing polychondritis is a rare multisystemic autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology and characterized by recurrent episodes of inflammation affecting the cartilaginous tissues. Otologic manifestation such as auricular chondritis is one of the most frequent presenting symptoms in relapsing polychondritis, and inner ear symptoms, such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo, may develop in 7% to 42% of the patients. In this study, we present a 42-year-old male patient with relapsing polychondritis, who experienced two separate episodes of acute vestibular syndrome at the interval of 6 years. At the first vertigo attack, the patient showed left-beating spontaneous nystagmus with sudden hearing loss on the right side, and a bithermal caloric test revealed canal paresis on the right side. At the second vertigo attack, he showed right-beating spontaneous nystagmus, and a bithermal caloric test, compared to that during the first vertigo attack, revealed additional decrease in caloric response on the left side.
Post Infectious Cerebellar Ataxia with Abnormal Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Findings
Hae Joo Rha, Jae Han Park
Res Vestib Sci. 2017;16(4):167-170.   Published online December 15, 2017
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A 84-year-old woman presented with a two weeks history of dizziness, slurred speech and ataxia. The neurological exam showed spontaneous left beating nystagmus, horizontal gaze evoked nystagmus and limb ataxia. A few weeks earlier, she had an upper airway infection. Brain MRI revealed diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement in the both cerebellar hemisphere and brain single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed hyperperfusion in both cerebellar hemisphere. Extensive laboratory studies with cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not reveal any etiologic factors. She was started on methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 7 days), gradually improved over the weeks. Post infectious cerebellar ataxia is a neurologic complication that occasionally follows systemic viral and bacterial infections. This case demonstrates that cerebellar abnormalities can be detected by brain magnetic resonance imaging and SPECT.
Recent Research Trend for Ménièreʼs Disease
Sung-Il Nam
Res Vestib Sci. 2017;16(2):39-46.   Published online June 15, 2017
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Ménièreʼs disease is a poorly understood disorder of the inner ear characterized by intermittent episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, ear fullness and tinnitus. In this paper, we present a review of the histopathology, cytochemistry, gene, blood-labyrinthine barrier and imaging of Ménièreʼs disease. Histopathology is significant for neuroepithelial damage with hair cell loss, basement membrane thickening, perivascular damage and microvascular damage. Cytochemical alterations are significant for altered AQP4 and AQP6 expression in the supporting cell, and altered cochlin and mitochondrial protein expression. Since the discovery of aquaporin water channels (AQP1, AQP2, AQP3, AQP4, AQP5, AQP6, AQP7 and AQP9), it has become clear that these channels play a crucial role in inner ear fluid homeostasis. Several gene studies related to Ménièreʼs disease have been published, but there is no clear evidence that Ménièreʼs disease is associated with a special gene. Currently, imaging techniques to determine the extent and presence of endolymphatic hydrops are being studied, and further studies are needed to correlate the visualization of the endolymphatic hydrops with clinical symptoms.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science