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Volume 17 (3); September 2018
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Clinical Application and Updates on Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential: Proposal for Future Development in Vestibulopathy
Myung-Whan Suh, Jinil Kim
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):71-78.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Both cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) are irreplaceable tools in the current vestibular science, but they have many drawbacks. For example, the test-retest reliability of the asymmetry ratio is inadequate for both tests. The American Academy of Neurology noted that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether cVEMP and oVEMP can accurately identify vestibular function specifically related to the saccule/utricle. One of the most important factors underlying the variability of cVEMP seems to be the control of, and compensation for, baseline muscle contraction power. Reasons for variability in oVEMP include a poor signal to noise ratio, the angle of superior gaze, effective and controlled presentation of stimuli, intracranial pressure, and electrode location. Many of these shortcomings could be improved by further development of recording methods and devices. This article examines the reasons for the insufficient reliability of VEMP and proposes avenues for improvement of VEMP recording systems.


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  • Difference of Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials between Bone-Conduction and Air-Conduction in Patients with Nonspecific Dizziness
    Yong-Hwi An, Jung Ho Choi, Seung Yeon Jeon, Hyun Joon Shim
    Research in Vestibular Science.2022; 21(4): 93.     CrossRef
  • A Case of Patient with Acute Peripheral Vestibulopathy Involving Isolated Posterior Semicircular Canal
    Sang Kwon Im, Mee Hyun Song, Ja Won Gu, Dae Bo Shim
    Research in Vestibular Science.2019; 18(4): 128.     CrossRef
Clinical Application and Update of Video Head Impulse Test
Jung Yup Lee, Jin Su Park, Min-Beom Kim
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):79-89.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Recently with the introduction of video head impulse test (vHIT), it can be easily performed quantitative and objective measurement of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). vHIT has been used as a clinical vestibular function test that can individually evaluate the function of each semicircular canal. Loss of VOR gain and corrective catch-up saccades that occur during the vHIT usually indicate peripheral vestibular hypofunction, whereas in acute vestibular syndrome, normal vHIT should prompt a search for a central lesion. In this study, we will examine the principle of vHIT and its interpretation, and explain its clinical application in peripheral and central vestibulopathy. In addition, we will compare the caloric test and the differences, and review the most recently introduced suppression head impulse paradigm test.


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  • Application of the Barany Society's Presbyvestibulopathy Criteria in Older Adults With Chronic Dizziness
    Joon‐Pyo Hong, Min‐Beom Kim
    Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.2024; 170(2): 515.     CrossRef
  • Vestibular mapping in Ramsay-Hunt syndrome and idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss
    Joon-Pyo Hong, Jung-Yup Lee, Min-Beom Kim
    European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.2023; 280(12): 5251.     CrossRef
  • Re-fixation Saccade at Video-Head Impulse Test in Patients with Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
    Dong Hyuk Jang, Sun Seong Kang, Hyun Joon Shim, Yong-Hwi An
    Research in Vestibular Science.2023; 22(2): 46.     CrossRef
  • A Comparative Analysis of the Vestibulocochlear Function in Patients with Isolated Semicircular Canal Hypofunction Using a Video Head Impulse Test
    Yu Jung Park, Min Young Lee, Ji Eun Choi, Jae Yun Jung, Jung Hwa Bahng
    Research in Vestibular Science.2023; 22(2): 34.     CrossRef
  • A Comparative Study Using Vestibular Mapping in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss With and Without Vertigo
    Joon‐Pyo Hong, Jung‐Yup Lee, Min‐Beom Kim
    Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.2023; 169(6): 1573.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Evaluation of Brainstem Dysfunction in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder Using Video Nystagmography
    Young Hun Kim, Jeongho Park, Seung Ho Choo, Hyunjin Jo, Dae-Won Seo, Byung-Euk Joo, Eun Yeon Joo
    Journal of the Korean Neurological Association.2023; 41(4): 293.     CrossRef
  • Vestibular mapping assessment in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss
    Hee Won Seo, Jae Ho Chung, Hayoung Byun, Seung Hwan Lee
    Ear & Hearing.2022; 43(1): 242.     CrossRef
  • Group Vestibular Rehabilitation Program: A Cost-Effective Outpatient Management Option for Dizzy Patients
    Jae Sang Han, Jung Mee Park, Yeonji Kim, Jae-Hyun Seo, So Young Park, Shi Nae Park
    Otology & Neurotology.2022; 43(9): 1065.     CrossRef
Original Articles
Vestibular Function and Prognosis of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Vertigo
Se A Lee, Hyo Jun Kim, Bo Gyung Kim, Jong Dae Lee
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):90-94.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Vertigo combined with sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is known as a poor prognostic factor. We investigated clinical findings and vestibular function tests in patients of SSNHL with vertigo to find the prognostic factors.
We retrospectively evaluated data on the patients diagnosed with SSNHL with vertigo at Bucheon Soonchunhyang University Hospital from March 2009 to February 2018. We reviewed medical records and the results of vestibular function tests and audiometry.
Of the 68 patients, 30 (44.1%) showed profound hearing loss and 53 (77.9%) showed poor recovery. Age and the degree of initial hearing loss showed negative prognostic factor in hearing recovery. Abnormal results of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMP) also showed significantly differences between good and poor recovery groups.
In this study, most of the patients of SSNHL with vertigo showed poor recovery. Age, degree of initial hearing loss, and the abnormal result of the cVEMP have a negative effect on the prognosis of hearing recovery.
Incidence of Progression into Ménière Disease from Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Midterm Follow-up Study
Byeong Min Lee, Jin Hyun Seo, Hyun Woo Park, Hyun Jin Lee, Dong Gu Hur, Seong Ki Ahn
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):95-101.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Ménière disease is a clinical syndrome characterized by the four major symptoms of episodic vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness. Sensorineural hearing loss, especially low frequency, is the characteristic type of audiogram in Ménière's disease. However, it is difficult to distinguish idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) with vertigo from the first attack of Ménière disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of progression into Ménière Disease from low frequency ISSNHL.
Two hundred eighty-three patients were included in this study. We classified the patients with ISSNHL according to the hearing loss in audiogram and analyzed how many of them actually progressed to Ménière disease based on diagnosis criteria.
Among the 240 patients, 37.1% (89 patients) were confirmed low frequency ISSNHL and 14.6% (13 patients) of them were diagnosed with Meniere disease.
This study showed that the progression from low frequency ISSNHL to Ménière disease was higher than other frequency ISSNHL, as in other studies.
Prognosis of Sudden Low Frequency Hearing Loss during Long-term Follow-up
Ji Hyung Kim, Sang Hyun Kwak, Seong Hoon Bae, Sung Hunh Kim, Gi-Sung Nam
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):102-108.   Published online September 18, 2018
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The prognosis of sudden low frequency hearing loss (SLFHL) is relatively good, but recurrences of hearing loss and possible progression to Meniere’s disease is still a clinically important concern. This study was conducted to confirm the rate at which SLFHL proceeds to Meniere’s disease.
We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 160 SLFHL patients who were followed up for more than 6 months from September 2005 to August 2013. Progression, initial hearing level, recovery and recurrence of hearing loss were reviewed.
106 patients (66.25%) had complete hearing recovery, 32 (20%) had recurrent hearing loss. Of the 32 recurrent group, 15 (9.38%) had progressed to Meniere’s disease after average of 1.7±1.4 years. The mean age of nonrecurrent group was higher than recurrent group (55.3±14.6 and 48.0±13.4, respectively, p=0.011). The threshold of 250Hz was significantly higher in the nonrecurrent group compared with recurrent group (p=0.047).
In patients with SLFHL, recurrence at relatively young age should be considered with the possibility of progression to Meniere’s disease.


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  • Findings of Intravenous Gadolinium Inner Ear Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Acute Low-Tone Sensorineural Hearing Loss
    Hee Won Seo, Yikyung Kim, Hyung-Jin Kim, Won-Ho Chung, Young Sang Cho
    Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology.2023; 16(4): 334.     CrossRef
Outcome of Canalith Repositioning Procedure in Patients with Persistent and Transient Geotropic Direction-Changing Positional Nystagmus: Short-term Follow-up Evaluation
Seung Sik Jeon, Sung Won Li, Sung Kyun Kim, Yong Bok Kim, Il-Seok Park, Seok Min Hong
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):109-115.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Patients, who showed persistent geotropic-direction changing positional nystagmus (p-DCPN) tend to have different clinical manifestations from those who showed transient geotropic DCPN (t-DCPN). We investigated the clinical characteristics between p-DCPN and t-DCPN patients, and its recovery rate after canalith repositioning procedure (CRP).
Based on the duration of nystagmus, 117 geotropic DCPN patients were classified to 2 groups, p-DCPN and t-DCPN. Barbeque maneuver had been introduced towards the opposite direction of null plane for the p-DCPN patients, and to the opposite direction of stronger nystagmus for the t-DCPN patients.
Seventy-four patients showed t-DCPN and 43 patients were classified to the p-DCPN cases. No p-DCPN patient showed prompt improvement after the 1st canalolith reposition therapy. Among the t-DCPN patients, 18 canal switch cases were found , but, there was no canal switch cases found among the p-DCPN The CRP has showed less effective for the p-DCPN patients than the t-DCPN patients (after the 1st CRP, 37 in 74 improved, p<0.001).
Due to its distinguishing clinical manifestation, p-DCPN may have different pathogenesis and clinical mechanisms from t-DCPN. And for the p-DCPN patients, the CRP seems not an efficient treatment compared to the t-DCPN patients. Further study with larger number of enrolled subjects is necessary.
Case Reports
Abducens Nerve Palsy Associated with Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome
Hye Joo Rha, Jae Han Park
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):116-118.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Ramsay-Hunt syndrome is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. It is usually associated with facial and vestibulocochlear nerve palsy, but other cranial nerve dysfunction can be accompanied. We present a 68-year-old woman with abducens nerve palsy associated with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. She showed abduction limitation of left eye with peripheral facial palsy and vestibulopathy of the left side. Varicella zoster virus polymerase chain reaction of cerebrospinal fluid was positive and internal auditory canal magnetic resonance imaging was revealed enhancement of labyrinthine segment of left facial nerve. Although abducens nerve palsy is uncommon feature of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, but it can be developed by several different mechanisms.
Cogan Syndrome Accompanied with Meningitis
Hyung-Keun Kim, Eun Hye Oh, Na-Yeon Jung, Jae-Hwan Choi
Res Vestib Sci. 2018;17(3):119-123.   Published online September 18, 2018
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Cogan syndrome is a rare inflammatory disease characterized by intraocular inflammation and vestibulo-auditory dysfunction. The exact etiology of Cogan syndrome is still unknown, but is currently thought to be an autoimmune disease. Cogan syndrome can be accompanied with various conditions including fever, arthritis, skin rash, aortitis, central or peripheral nerve system involvement, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly and diarrhea. We report a case of Cogan syndrome accompanied with meningitis.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science